Configuration Lifecycle Management Summit 2025

April 29-30, 2025


Business Day - April 29, 14.00 – 18.00 CEST | 8.00 – 12.00 p.m. EDT

Technology Day - April 30, 14.30 – 17.30 CEST | 8.30 – 11.30 a.m. EDT

Time (CEST)Time (EDT)TitleSpeaker
April 29 - Business Day
14.00-14.05 08.00-08.05 a.m. Welcome Moderator
14.05-14.20 08.05-08.20 a.m. Welcome from the CEOJohan Salenstedt, Chief Executive Officer, Configit
14.20-14.45 08.20-08.45 a.m. Keynote - Transforming B2B Manufacturing: Driving Customer-centric Growth with CLMRené Wiedemann, Managing Director, Industrial Lead ASG, Accenture
14.45-15.10 08.45-09.10 a.m. Configuration Lifecycle Management (CLM) in the Age of AI Henrik Reif Andersen, Chief Strategy Officer and Co-founder, Configit
15.10-15.20 09.10-09.20 a.m. Break
15.20-15.50 09.20-09.50 a.m. Customer Keynote - Driving Scalable Growth at Siemens by Streamlining Product Configuration Across the EnterpriseJörg Westphal, VC Digital Sales Platform, Siemens
15.50-16.1509.50-10.15 a.m.Enhancing Omnichannel Sales with a Unified Configurator at SignifyRalf de Greef, Digital Program Manager Lighthouse Programs, Signify & Steven Hoppenbrouwers, Principal Digital Architect, Signify
16.15-16.30 10.15-10.30 a.m. Break
16.30-16.55 10.30-10.55 a.m. From Complexity to Efficiency – Beko’s Integrated Product ConfiguratorTuğçe Süslü Kondak, Senior Lead, Digital Product Lifecycle Management, Beko
16.55-17.20 10.55-11.20 a.m. Philips’ CLM Journey to Streamlined Product Configuration Management and Superior Customer ExperiencePeter van Meurs, Product Owner - CfLM Configit, Royal Philips
17.20-17.5011.20-11.50 a.m. Panel DiscussionPanelists: Siemens, Signify, Beko, Accenture, Configit
17.50-18.00 11.50-12.00 p.m. Closing Business Day Moderator
April 30 - Technology Day
14.30-14.35 08.30-08.35 a.m. Welcome Moderator
14.35-15.05 08.35-09.05 a.m. Opening Keynote from PTCPTC
15.05-15.30 09.05-09.30 a.m. PLM + CLM: Connecting Market and Customer Demands with Engineering IntentSigrún Ívarsdóttir, Product Manager, Configit
15.30-15.55 09.30-09.55 a.m. Navigating the Shift from ETO to CTO – A Deloitte PerspectiveIngo Nuccio, Director, Deloitte
15.55-16.0509.55-10.05 a.m. Break
16.05-16.30 10.05-10.30 a.m. Harnessing Gen-AI for Faster and Smarter Product DevelopmentStella d'Ambrumenil, Product Manager, Configit
16.30-16.5510.30-10.55 a.m.Strategies for a Successful SAP LO-VC to AVC MigrationJesper Blak Møller, Director of System Architecture, Configit
16.55-17.20 10.55-11.20 a.m. Digital Configuration Threads - The Backbone of Next-Gen ManufacturingHenrik Hulgaard, VP Product Management and Co-founder, Configit
17.20-17.30 11.20-11.30 a.m. Closing Technology DayModerator
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Don't miss the 2025 CLM Summit on April 29-30.
Discover how B2B manufacturers can tackle product complexity and optimize operations across the enterprise.